Erin's Snug Irish Pub

In Olde Ireland, the word "Pub" was short for Public House. Public Houses were used as Gathering Spots for Friends and Neighbors to catch up on the Latest News, Gossip, and discuss the Events of the day, as well as for conducting Meetings and holding Worship Services. They were also Social Spots where one could...
Partake of the Barley!
These Houses were often Living Quarters that expanded with additions to the building as business dictated. The word “Erin” is synonimous with Ireland and a "Snug" (Alcove or Nook) was a Small Room within the Pub (generally attached to the bar) to Accommodate Women who did not wish to be seen enjoying their libations. Thus the Name... “Erin’s Snug”.
At Erin’s Snug we've tried to Replicate the Atmosphere you would experience in Ireland. The Irish refer to this as “Craic” (Crack), which means to create an Environment of Class, Comfort, Fun and Excitement… in Ireland “The Craic”.
Our intent was to create Serveral Rooms with Different Décor to give you a Variety of Dining Experiences within the Same Pub. Throughout the Pub, you will note Several Signs written in Gaelic, following is the translation into English… “Cead Mile Failte” (100,000 Welcomes), “Dambsa” (Dance or Celebrate Life), “An Broc Shebeen” (The Badger Drinking Den), “An Kayleigh Seomra” (The Party Room), “An Poitin Stil” (The Whiskey Still”), “Slainte” (Cheers or Here’s to Your Health), “Erin Go Braugh” (Here’s to the Sons & Daughters of Ireland who Now Live in America).
Above the Snug to the left of the entry, you will find the Seven Cardinal Sins, perhaps you can identify with one or more... If you can identify with more than three perhaps you should visit our Confessional Booth located in “Jenny’s Retreat” on the patio side of the Pub. The Rich Colors and Woodtones are intended to create a Warm, Comfortable Environment in which you can Relax and Enjoy Yourself away from your hectic lifestyle.
Experience Ireland in all of it’s Glory and see what “Pub Life” is all about in Ireland. At Erin’s Snug... “There are No Strangers, Only Friends We Have Yet To Meet”! We hope you Enjoy Your Visit and share in the Camaraderie while partaking of Our Food and Beverage. Please let us know what we can do to... Enhance Your Stay!
Slainte! (To your health.)