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  Drink Menu

Draft Beers

We offer some of the Best Beers from around the World. We store our Beers at the proper temperatures and use a combination of CO2 and Nitrogen on our Draft Beers to insure proper Taste and Texture. We proudly feature Guinness, as well as our other Drafts, in a 20 oz. Imperial Pint…


In Ireland it is known as … “A Pint O’ The Plain”!

Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World

Guinness Stout

Belhaven Scotch Ale

Sam Adam’s Lager
Sam Adam’s Seasonal

Mango Cart Wheat Ale

Wisconsin Badger Club

Miller Lite

Michelob Ultra

Modelo Especial 

Twisted Tea

Pseudo Sue

3 Floyd's Zombie Dust

Warpigs Foggy Geezer

Third Space Heavenly Haze

Spotted Cow

Harp Lager


Stella Artois

Kronenbourg 1664 

Strongbow Cider

Wyder's Pear Cider
Angry Orchard Cider

Ace Pineapple Cider

Founder's Oatmeal Stout

3 Sheep’s Waterslides

Central Waters Honey Blonde

Capital Amber

Bourbon Barrel Ale

Surly Furious IPA

Hacker Pschorr Oktoberfest

Hofbrau Hefe Weizen

Eliot Ness Amber Lager

Pilsner Urquell

Breckenridge Vanilla Porter

Bell's Oberon

Blue Moon

Johnny Blood Red Irish Ale

Moon Man

Erin’s Irish Ale

Leinie’s Seasonal

Try Our Rotating Beer of the Month! Ask Bartender or Server for Current Option

Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World

Snug Specialty Pours

Guinness is very special Draft Beer in that it contains Nitrogen rather than CO2, it will float on top of other Drafts, Ciders & Champagnes when poured properly, giving them a Unique Appearance & Taste.

Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World
Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World

Half & Half...                


Black Stella...             



Black Cow...              

On Wisconsin...            

The Patriot...                   

Black Capital...


Guinness Over Harp

Guinness Over Smithwick’s

Guinness Over Stella Artois

Guinness Over Kronenbourg

Guinness Over Strongbow

Guinness Over Spotted Cow

Guinness Over Wisconsin Badger Club

Guinness Over Sam Adams

Guinness Over Capital Amber




Guinness Over Belhaven Scotch Ale

Sam Adams & Angry Orchard Cider

Guinness Over Blue Moon

Guinness Over Johnny Blood Red

Guinness Over Erin’s Irish Ale

Guinness Over 3 Sheeps Waterslides

Black Haven...           

Adams Apple...         

Black & Blue…          

Black & Red…           

Erin’s Black & Tan… 

Black Sheep...     

Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World

 Premium Imports

Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World


Corona Light

Corona Premier


Amstel Light


Heineken 00




Guinness N/A

   Domestic Brews

Erin’s Snug Irish Pub and Restaurant Madison’s favorite Irish Pub Offering some of the Best Beers from around the World

Miller Lite

Miller High Life


Miller 64


Bud Light

Busch Light

Coors Light    

Michelob Ultra

Red Bridge Lager (GF)

Hard Root Beer

High Noon Vodka Seltzer

White Claw Hard Seltzer


Wine Cellar

Cocktails & Coffee

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